This Halloween, I was commissioned to make some fun Steampunk costume pieces. I know it's a little late for Halloween with Christmas on the way, but I would love to post a few ideas for those of you who are suckers for DIY stuff.
Zombie Eye patch
This was made with a few scraps of cloth, eyelets, hoops, a monster eye and an eye patch. My friend was going to be a dead zombie pirate, and this worked perfectly.
After sizing the cloth and putting eyelets in them, the rest of it came down to expert gluing.
I found the eye at Hobby Lobby, they came in a few colors and sizes. I can't wait to make more with them.
Steampunk Headband

Start with a simple headband and a flower. I spiced things up with a few dark feathers and clock pieces.
To top off the awesome headband I added a jeweled spider. Makes for the perfect top piece to any costume!
Steampunk Armband
This awesome piece was made for my brother who was going to be a Steampunk man for Halloween.
I got the shell of this arm band at Dollar Tree.
I wasn't much, but I liked the detailing on it. I knew this was a great piece to start with.
I painted with metallic paint and used some foam strips to make the top look a little more steampunkish. I also worked some old wires into the hand to look like a mechanical arm, and then I topped it off with old bullets that are placed to look like some sort of shooting mechanism.
Under the arm, I took off the plastic bands and replaced it with fake leather. I glued it to one side and attached snaps to the other, so that it could be taken off easily.
All and all this cost maybe $6 for me to make and it looked totally awesome!
What's more, the armband came in a pair, so I have another one to play with!
It's amazing what you can do with some simple Halloween pieces. You should give it a try sometime. I'd love to see what you come up with.