Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Earcuffs Are Fun

I have a new found fascination with ear cuffs. I've made a few out of wire, but never one you just hang over your ear. So when I descovered one in my Blue Moon Bead box, I freaked out!

It took me a while to figure out just how I wanted them to look. Honestly, the possibilities with one of these things is endless!

Finally, I settled on a fun layered look. All I used was silver chain, beads, and eye pins.
I can see myself making more of these in the future!
Can't wait to try these out!

Links and more Links!

Organizing all my beads is quite a mission, especially with the all amazing things that Blue Moon Beads has given me for being on their design team!
Well, I came upon this little baggy of links and just knew that I had to create something out of them. It took me forever to decide what, what with being as ADD as I am some days.

So I thought, heck, keep it simple stupid! I found a rockin' pendant in the shape of a feather and grabbed some jump rings. Alternating jump rings and links, I came up with this necklace that took no time to make. And I even had a few left over to make matching earrings!

For some more style, I added a cool clasp. It was so simple, but I've gotten quite a few compliments on it.
It's definately a technique worth using some time.
What do you think?

Vintage Romance

I love the Vintage look and it's also very much in style this season. But who has the money to go out and by actual vintage items to wear? So, I decided to make my own!

With the help of my stash of Blue Moon Beads, I used a metal connector, small pearls, copper chain and a lowely clasp to pull off this bracelet.

The fun thing about this, is that it can be put together different ways. Maybe you don't like pearls, you can gladly leave them off, or add more if that's your thing!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Can't Be too Classy

I love earrings that make noise and jingle when you wear them. These are just what I love. I took a small length of chain and started adding beads to it until I liked the positioning and colors. I have had so many compliments with these. And the best thing is that they can be made in any colors you want. 

In one word, I think these look Classy.

Girls and Pink

Truth time...I do not like the color pink. I blame my mother for making me wear it so often while I was a child. It still bothers me to this day, but while making jewelry I cannot deny that other people may like the color. So, swallowing my distaste, I made a project with...that's right...PINK.

First project: Feathers make everything better. 
This necklace is also easily adjustable. It doesn't even have a clasp. 
I used chain, beads and pendant piece
From Blue Moon Beads

 Second project: I used a pre-wired necklace piece, much more chain and many more beads. I don't think this one came out half bad. It hangs very nicely.

I even made earrings to match! maybe pink isn't that bad.